Centerville First United Methodist Church
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Administrative Committees
1. Lay Leadership                            (Nominations Discipline Par. 258.1)
      Chair: Bev Frevert                             
Suzanne Larry                         
Bette Howell
Randy Hash
Ashton Kirkpatrick
Joy Davis
Barb Smith  
Anna Krull
Megan Wulff
Lay Leader:
Nancy Hash
Lay Member to Annual Conference:
Bette Howell
2. Staff/Pastor Parish Relations                        (Nominations Discipline Par. 258.2)
    Chair: Suzanne Larry
Carolyn Bauman
Tod Faris
Dan Wilson
Kae Morgan
Connie Coulter
Chad Krull
Alan Sells
Cindy Burnside
3. Trustees & Renovation                                    (Nominations Discipline Par. 258.3 43.f, 2524-2551)
    Chair: Bette Howell                         
George Howell                                       
David Vinzant
Paulette Sells
Todd Sells 
Tim Higbee
Denise Eddy
Megan Wulff
Randy Hash                            
Ad Hoc Renovation Coordination Team:
Debbie Miller, Bette Howell 
4. Finance                                                                     (Nominations Discipline Par. 258.4)
   Chair - Randy Hash
Lay Member to Annual Conference       
Council Chair Chair/Rep
Trustee Chair/Rep    
Lay Leader    
Finance Secretary     
At Large Members - Drew Kirkpatrick                           
Memorial Committee:
Ron & Terri Clark
Rick & Mary Louise Mathews